Cellular Flow

Cellular Flow is an interactive procedural art tool that harnesses the power of cellular automata and flocking behaviors to generate pretty pictures.


The user clicks and drags across screen to spawn multiple particles and a stationary cell. The stationary cell acts as a flow field for the particles, causing them to bounce off if they get too close. Perlin Noise is used to generate the cell's color based on its X and Y position on the canvas. 


Pressing the S key will cause the particles to drift towards a random position off screen. The particles will follow basic flocking behaviors such as separation, alignment and cohesion.


Pressing the G key will cause spawned circles to degenerate into smaller cells that will grow outward until they reach the boundary of the original spawned circle (shown in the images below)

Below you will find my Cellular Flow presentation, additional pictures, and a link to the art tool.